Cabinet Painting
A Beautiful, Fresh Look

We Paint Built-In Cabinetry

A large part of the custom cabinet painting that we do includes kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets, but we can also paint just about any type of built-in cabinetry.

We’ve perfected the art and science of painting over stained wood, and the built-in cabinets and wood that we have painted over the years include:

Why paint built-in cabinetry? Because it is an affordable way to get a fresh new look for your room. Whether you choose white, black, gray, or a bright color of cabinet paint, it’s bound to liven up the room and increase value for the entire home!

In a free color consultation, we are able to discuss the latest trends in design and color, and also discuss the look and feel you’re trying to achieve.

For more information about our cabinetry painting services, please call (303) 222-0110, or e-mail

Please note: Located in central Denver, we work on cabinet painting projects throughout the Denver metro area, including the suburbs. In addition to cabinet painting, we also offer a range of interior painting services.