Not all interior painting contractors in Denver are equal, especially when it comes to experience and expertise in cabinet painting.
It isn’t particularly hard to start a residential paint company, but it’s hard to provide high quality painting, at affordable prices.
Painting kitchen cabinets and bathroom cabinets so that they look brand new is a complex process that we have mastered.
Our cabinet painting process includes the following steps (some of which we do twice):
Because we have painted hundreds of sets of cabinets, we have the experience and expertise to get the job done right, with quality craftsmanship that will look brand new and stand the test of time!
If you are considering hiring an interior painting company to paint your cabinets, ask about their level of experience. Ask if they include a free color consultation with every estimate. Ask if they’ll hand paint (with brushes and rollers) the cabinet frames (boxes) in place. Ask if they’ll finish your cabinet painting job on time, for the amount you agreed to – no surprises.
And most importantly, ask if they love painting cabinets – because we do, and it shows every time in the artistry and the quality of our work!
For information about how we compare to other painting contractors, please call (303) 222-0110, or e-mail Considering painting vs. staining? We can offer our insights there too.
Note: In addition to painting cabinets, we also paint walls, ceilings, stairways, trim, molding, doors, and more! We’re fully insured and we will work with your schedule to avoid disruption in your life.