Cabinet Painting
A Beautiful, Fresh Look

How To Compare Cabinet Painting Estimates

When it comes to cabinet painting estimates, not all bids are equal and not all painting contractors provide the same quality of work.

As best you can, it is important to compare “apples to apples.” We’re pleased to help you do that by providing a detailed, written cabinet painting estimate.

With cabinet painting, you can compare these factors in the estimate:

Number of Cabinets And Doors

How many cabinets do you need painted. Are they upper cabinets (wall cabinets), base cabinets, or floor-to-ceiling cabinets? The number of cabinets and their dimensions will impact the cost of the bid.

Number Of Drawers

To achieve the highest quality work, drawers need to be disassembled, prepped, primed, and painted. The number of drawers in your cabinet painting project will impact the cost of the bid.

How Much Prep Work Is Involved

The amount of prep work that’s involved – before a drop of paint is applied to the cabinets – can impact the quality of the work and the price of the bid. We use a cabinet painting process that includes multiple rounds of prepping, priming, buffing, and painting. It might take a little longer, but the difference in quality is noticeable. When we’re finished, your cabinets will look brand new!

Type Of Paint And Quality Of Paint

Today’s paint manufacturers (such as Behr, Sherwin Williams, and Benjamin Moore) offer a range of cabinet paints, from low-end choices to premium, high-quality offerings. The type and quality of paint will impact the cost of the bid.

Experience Of The Cabinet Painters

How many cabinets has the interior painting contractor you’re talking to painted? Cabinet painting is tricky work, if you’d like the cabinets to look brand new.

For information about painting cabinets, or to schedule an appointment for a free cabinet painting estimate, please call (303) 222-0110, or e-mail

Note: We honor our written painting estimates for up to 6 months and we are fully insured painting contractors.